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MIke McGrew

The Right Stuff

This might work, but why bother?

I really enjoy teaching and coaching cross country skiing. There's the new people I get to meet, the kids I get to hang out with, and the satisfaction of being outside sharing a sport I love. And I can't deny that it's a real ego boost when I light up somebody's day by showing them something as simple as how to wedge turn around a downhill corner that previously had them frozen in terror. Simple techniques that many of us take for granted are like speaking Arabic for beginning skiers and I feel privileged to be their translator.

Most of my beginning students catch on to the basics fairly quickly. However, there is one common denominator that causes some of them to flail in futility no matter how athletic they are, what kind of shape they're in or how patiently and repetitively I break the process down. And that one simple thing is they are not on the right gear. They borrowed their friends equipment because they are the same shoe size. Only problem is they may be able to swap boots, but their friend is 5'10", 175lbs. and they're 5'4", 120lbs. Or they got a good deal on a package at a big box, all purpose sporting goods store. Or their mom bought them stuff they'll "grow into". They thought they could skate on their classic gear or classic on their skate gear. I've heard and seen it all.

These people are doomed to frustration until they get properly fitted gear that is designed specifically for either skate or classic skiing.

Last Saturday is an excellent case in point and served as my inspiration for this post. I was working with a really enjoyable couple from Missoula who had downhill and touring experience but wanted to try skate skiing. I could tell Shannon's skis were too long for her, but hoped to make the best of the situation. That was a wasted hope. Despite her CrossFit training and obvious athleticism, she couldn't overcome the fact that her skis, purchased at a large, local sporting goods store, were way too long for her. The tails of her skis were crossing nonstop, killing her momentum and causing her to fall repeatedly. She was trying to be a good sport about it but her frustration was building and I could see the tension growing in her. What had started as a good time was going south in a big way.

As we approached her emotional breaking point, Shaun Radley skied by pulling two of his (adorable) kids in a plastic sled.

"Hey, Mike!"

"Shaun! Hold up a second. I've got a question. What do you think about her skis? They're 181's."

"Way too long. I'd put her on a 173. I've got some in the car, let me grab them."

We happened to be less than 100' from Shaun's car. In less than five minutes time he had her on skis that fit, the birds began singing. the clouds parted and Shannon was bathed in a pool of divine light. I may have heard heavenly hosts singing on high, but can't confirm that. Immediately, and I mean RIGHT NOW, she was able to make those skis do what they were supposed to do. It was a 180 degree turn. She went from being totally frustrated to actually having fun and feeling like this might be a sport she would enjoy pursuing.

What's so special about Shaun, other than he was incredibly kind to help us out? This: he is a long-time racer who owns a shop that specializes in bikes and cross country ski gear. He is experienced in the sport and trained to fit people with the proper equipment. When he sells someone a new pair of skis he knows what he is talking about.

You can walk into a huge multi-purpose sporting goods store and buy some stuff from a very friendly sales person and, yeah, you might save $50 or even $100. But if it doesn't fit and you consequently are battling to learn basic technique, what have you actually saved? You won't be having fun, you'll think skate skiing sucks, or you'll be convinced the problem is your own spastic tendencies, and those skis and boots will gather dust in your gear closet. You didn't save squat.

If you're thinking of taking up classic or skate skiing, or you want to get your kids started, don't cut corners. There are several good shops in Missoula that will get you headed down the right path and some of them have programs that allow you to trade in your kids' gear as they outgrow it. You don't have to break your piggy bank for the best stuff money can buy. These shops sell entry level packages that will work fine and most importantly, they'll be fitted to your height, weight and ability. If you don't want to take the plunge, then try renting. Most shops will apply the price of the rental to a purchase if you later decide to dive in.

Shaun's shop is called MTCX and you can Google them for more info. Tell 'em Mike sent ya.



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