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Newsletter Archive

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Handmade trails, lack of snow doesn't stop Seeley's Biathlon

Under a sky threatening rain, Chris Lorentz was explaining to some Seeley Lake Elementary students what they were about to do. Tuesday before the Seeley Lake Biathlon on Feb. 3, Lorentz set up... Full story

 By Keely Larson ● News ● February 8, 2024

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Ski, aim, fire

Why the upcoming Seeley Lake Biathlon—a literal exercise in contradiction—is such a blast.


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January 16, 2024   

The SLNSC is looking for a website manager.  If you have an interest, some skills along that line and have thought about volunteering, this is a great opportunity. It’s not a huge task, but an important one that needs regular attention. The Club is moving to Nordic Pulse as our primary grooming report, but we need to continue the website to tell our story, provide updates on races and other activities and engage prospective skiers and new members. The website manager would work with some technical support and guidance from the board of directors, groomers and others to keep information current.  We've made some huge strides upping the nature of skiing at the Seeley Creek Trails in the last few years, but we are also a completely volunteer run organization.  We’ve got great skiing here but keeping that going depends on those volunteers.  If you’re interested or need more information, give me a shout.  e-mail:  or call Bruce at 406-493-4576.

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